3D Photography

3D Girls and Guns

Monday, December 24, 2007

Initial Tests

I started playing around with my simple point and shoot camera by taking a picture from one angle, moving it to the left a few inches (using my glasses as a guide), and then taking another picture.  Next, I used the directions at the bottom of this page to build a 3D image in Adobe Photoshop.  The whole process turned out to be quite easy.  Here’s a sample:

I did all of this using a pair of 3D glasses I made from a clear piece of plastic with two sharpied squares (red and blue).  This works quite well if you have a bit of an imagination, however, eventually you’ll get a killer headache as the color filtering is nowhere near perfect.

So I got two pairs of kickass 3D glasses.

posted by asm at 2:37 pm  

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