3D Photography

3D Girls and Guns

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Polarization Testing

I stopped by Flax yesterday to collect some materials for a silver screen.  After testing on a few materials around my house and reading this excellent thread, I realized 3D polarization was going to be a bit more difficult than I thought.

Flax didn’t really have any paper that resembled the old silver screens so I picked up 3 shades of gray/silver sheets.  As a backup plan, I grabbed some foamcore and chrome metallic spray paint.  The paper sheets completely failed with the darkest one showing only a very slight effect.  However, the spray painted foamcore worked perfectly.  I also noticed it’s best to position the polarizing filter between the screen and the projector lens, not between the stage and the lens.  The angle of the polarizing sheet is also critical in that it must be exactly perpendicular to the light path, not parallel to the screen (although, if the light path is perpendicular to the screen then the filter will be parallel to the screen as well).

Here are a couple pictures of my test setup.  The polarizing sheet is not displayed because I haven’t mounted it yet.


posted by asm at 8:57 am  

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