3D Photography

3D Girls and Guns

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Roll your own 3D glasses

In case you don’t have a pair of 3D glasses, there are always options.  I mentioned earlier I made a pair from a clear piece of plastic and two sharpie markers.  Or, if you don’t happen to have plastic sitting around, you can always use plastic wrap like this:

Wired also has a great blog article on several options.

posted by asm at 3:53 pm  

1 Comment »

  1. […] eine Anleitung, sich alternativ selbst eine 3D-»Brille« herzustellen, findest Du hier bei »3D Photography« Diese Seite protokolliert vor allem das Entstehen und den Verlauf des 3D-Ausstellungsprojektes […]

    Pingback by 3d glasses alternate « Ortskundeprüfung — October 11, 2008 @ 12:37 am

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